Saturday September 07, 2013
Lori Manns
Tonight we had
returning guest
psychic medium
Lori Manns.
She started out explaining how everyone is psychic even if untrained, but mediums are born.
She attended
Arthur Findley College
in England, when she'd been seeing spirits and Shadow People at all times or the day, et al.
At the five years old Lori began seeing spirits but not aware she was seeing what others weren't seeing.
Her own granddaughter has shown the start of psychic abilities; Lori's son is very strong psychically, while Lori's daughter is a bit... resistent to it, though more intuitive than the daughter would like to admit.
We discussed the distinction that someone Passing is not officially "lost" to the family, just on a new level of Being.
She has done paranormaling investigating, with
Chicago Paranormal.
After the first break Lori answered some
chat room
questions, and began live readings.
Silently, in the Skype text, Barbara reported to the co-hosts that tonight we had listeners in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia and France.
Just before the second break she Read for Kat.
After the break she read for a few other Chat Room folks, generally blowing their minds here and there.
Once again Lori was an awesome guest, amused and understanding when comical comments were being made tongue-in-cheek.
Lori gave out her
on which is her
contact information
(and her 920-615-4646 number).
I provided the show's various page locations
(my site's
Paranormal View hub page,
the show's
official site,
that we're findable
on Facebook,
et al);
I didn't realize until we were done that
gave out her
her website.