Saturday July 20, 2013
Pamala Oslie
Our return guest tonight was psychic and colour expert
Pamala Oslie,
who since 1983 has developed perceiving the colours of energy fields and auras.
Barbara entered into the show's
live chat room
the link to Pamala's
colour test.
The Life colours are the one or two bands of colour closest to the body.
The outer bands shift a lot due to emotional changes in the person's immediate circumstances.
Pamala spoke about her having
Blue and Yellow with Violets as her aura,
as opposed to colours that special cameras can demonstrate.
While Pamala discussed tuning in to people doing readings via a chat line, my computer suddenly crashed, even to the infamous
Blue Screen of Death
my computer hadn't experienced in years.
Pamala posited it was our all being so highly tuned energy sources.
Thankfully I was using my phone with Skype, not my computer, though tonight my audio sounded as slightly distorted as Skype might usually sound via my computer.
We briefly got into how people may be headed back towards telepathic-type communication as we were thousands of years ago.
Barbara and Pamala discussed colour-clashing;
Pamala can distinguish fourteen different colours on physical and mental levels.
As she indicated Violets often have their dreams crushed, I wondered how Violets could be born to people whose colours were predisposed to crushing their dreams.
The answer kind of went off track, as Pamala asked after my hazel eye colour and brown hair colour, noting my being a Yellow-Violet "who was told [I] was supposed to be tan."
Apparently Violets choose to be born to such parents as a challenge, to overcome those obstacles that parents tend to throw up.
Henry had someone in the chat room who'd taken the colour test, and called in
blonde haired, blue-eyed
Kimmie Jae,
who tested Blue-Violet and Crystal.
Pamala saw her as Blue-Yellow and added Violet-Green; she explained how people interpret themselves as being a Chrystal.
Kimmie revealed what Pamala was unaware, that she was a former para-x show host, as well as that she doesn't suffer stupid people gladly.
Kimmie said how she doesn't hate people in general, just all the stupid ones, coming up with the
quote of the night.
After the first break and Barbara reporting tonight our having listeners in the US, UK, Finland, France and Canada,
was called in for a reading.
While speaking about how people add colours because They Think They Need To, Pamala offered me as an example, "adding" Tan to my Yellow.
I pointed out
(my own presumption),
my being a double Taurus, both Sun and Moon, which Pamala clarified as being a Yellow sign, and that the Tan keeps me grounded, but that Tan isn't my Official Colour.
Dark-brown, blue-eyed
in Texas was brought in for a reading, being a Blue-Violet.
Henry managed to get in a question before the second break, having the intriguing query whether someone Who Really Knows their partner and takes the test for the partner, but Pamala figured it would come up skewed, as most people only Think they Know Another.
After the second break Henry brought in brown w/red
haired, blue-eyed
from Oklahoma for her reading.
Pamala spoke about the distinction between
Life Colors
Love Colors,
and how they work out on her website/s.
Pamala gave out her
Life Color City
website, the information about her weekly
radio show
airs live
Mondays at 5pm-6pm pacific, 8pm-9pm eastern, in to which one can call to talk to Pamala at 805-564-1290, or Toll Free 866-564-1290,
and that it has
archived podcasts.
Pamala also conveyed that she'd appeared on the
Ricky Lake Show
and also did a
Ted Video
Are we still evolving?
both videos of which being available via her
YouTube Channel,
her Ted lecture of which being also available via the Ted Channel, and she's working on her Next Book.
I provided my website's
Paranormal View hub
page one can find the show's respective report pages,
Kat's website,
that we're very
findable on Facebook,
page, as well as my
Career Progress Group
on Facebook which
Anyone Can Join,
and adding there being information regarding
health products
on my site that people should be taking, by indicating anyone wanting to live longer and healthier, and/or with health issues or just...
in general...
contact me directly,
et al.