Tuesday November 06, 2012
Shoot, and the Irony of the Universe
With the 2012 "Election" being so close, with the candidate-battle between Evil vs. Purer Evil, I had begun to waver in my normally steadfast logical position about "voting"
(George Carlin
summing up my own thoughts
so well),
I began to suspect "voting" might be a necessary evil to keep Purer Evil from a second term, and wondered if I could get from the Venice Beach location up to Sherman Oaks in time before the "polls" closed.
As it turned out, the shoot negated my ability to "vote," making me wonder if the Universe had a hand in maintaining my integrity.
I arrived at 6:10am for my 6:30am calltime, having a nice breakfast, notwithstanding our all having been pre-warned there would not be breakfast for us.
Our main background-wrangler was a friendly PA named
constantly forced to keep several plates in the air throughout the day, but doing a rather good job at it.
We were brought over to Market Street where, not having the street locked down notwithstanding, a group of us had some acting at the far end, not only clearly far too distant for us to be read, but also crew equipment was between the camera and our section of the street.
Eventually someone in the crew realized we were not even visible, and we were sent back to the temporary holding area somewhat near the skateboarding pit.
I got to talking with
Nancy Atalla,
who turned out to be politically Awake, as well as into metaphysics and astrology and such.
Later in the day I spoke with
Jeff Davis;
we'd recognized each other, possibly due to his being a regular background on
My Name is Earl.
Later we returned to the far corner at which the camera dollies with
Chris Pine
and the rest of us do crosses.
At the start of the take I cross between the camera and him so for a fraction of a second a blur of me could be visible.
At lunch we saw the arrival of veteran actor
Philip Baker Hall
who had a scene shot after lunch.
It was clear that most of us were being released after lunch.
After lunch, I was one of the eight Jeremy selected to Remain as the rest of the background were wrapped.
We sat around until overtime kicked in, then brought over to sit around and Not Be Used, and watched the sun set over the ocean.
Six of us were wrapped; Jeff Davis and another were retained for another shot out on the beach
(in the dark).
Wrapped at 5:30pm, there was no way to get to Sherman Oaks before the polls closed; at home I saw that Purer Evil was prevailing, so what Enabling The Broken System my "vote" would have done would have made no difference.
So I am free and clear, my hands clean of the
of the day, and
I have not forfeited the right to complain
of the mess the Sleepers have created.
I got home and got a call from my Calling Service.
I knew they'd be back at Venice Beach the next day; there were rumours of recalls.
Thankfully it was notifying me of having been book for return for an episode of
Sunday November 29, 2015
Long overdue update
I had discovered several months earlier than the title had changed to
Playing It Cool,
but kept neglecting to update the page, as the film had come and gone without a hint of publicity.
It having a May 08 2015 release date notwithstanding, I'm absolutely unsure this ever hit cinemas, certainly not Los Angeles.
If it did, that information was well hidden.
As of this entry, I've not yet seen it, and, being on the SAG Nominating Committee, the film makers have done nothing to promote at the end of the year, either.