Saturday August 18, 2012
Author Wendy Joy
Our guest tonight was author
Wendy Joy,
author of
Clear Channel: A Guide For The Newly Awakening
and host of the Tuesday night show
Bringing the Light.
(I did my best to speak my intro nice and slow and it still friggin' came out rapid-fire, despite As Speaking it I thought I was sounding really really slow...)
Wendy started out working in a trauma clinic, mostly in the out-patient aspect as a speech therapist.
She began noticing colour-auras about her patients, which turned out to be vibrational angelic forms.
Before her claire-cognisance, she's get what she called Subtle Knowings; she'd first feel the vibration, then know to gently Look Around with Gentle Eyes, passively at which point she could see the colours.
I kept having Skype issues, but momentarily dropped from the call.
On playback I found my audio really sounded telephonic, as opposed to the others who sounded like they were in the same room.
With each time I fell out and was brought back in, I kept sounding farther and farther away...
On her radio show she speaks on people being able to ascend to a high vibrational state.
We discussed how recent solar flares have tended to mess with our bio energies, just as previously recorded flares many years caused all sorts of issues.
Wendy discussed Past Life Regression work, as well as non-linear time cognisance
(that due to the Eternal Now concept, past lives are more Current Other Timeline lives bleeding through),
and how recognizing behaviour and/or experiences from past lives may make an impact currently, and how to break that chain "of events," as it were.
She also mentioned the online
Emotion Code
about which she spoke on her show some time ago.
I asked if she was aware of the
Holographic Universe
model, in which with reality as a "liquid hologram," one can access different aspects of reality, including but not limited to past and future, so possibly some Past Life Regression could be accessing the different aspects of reality.
Not only had she heard of it, she loves the concept and would be having a guest on her show about it.
Via Sherri in the chat room Kat asked how does one learn how to do past life regressions?
Wendy learned it from
Joy Gardner,
but indicated one can just
do a Search
for it.
Sherri's other question was whether seeing one's own doppleganger is actually seeing oneself of an alternate reality, which Wendy discussed, as well as mentioning
Quantum Jumping.
Kat described along with
Patrick Burns
Marley Gibson
back in March, seeing the doppleganger of a woman they personally knew, at the end of the encounter with Marley of which, the figure faded away.
The woman whose doppleganger it was was in the same room at the time, albeit she had her back to them, and did not see the doppleganger herself.
Wendy relayed the distinctions of chakras and varied energy work she utilizes.
Wendy discussed her book
Clear Channel,
even amusingly how she argued with her Guides as to the "unsexy" title.
Henry asked about Spiritual Journies; similar to Guided Meditations but not precisely, which Wendy only uses occasionally.
Wendy provided her
profiles information;
I provided the show's various page locations:
my site's
Paranormal View hub page,
the show's
official site,
that we're findable on
on Facebook,
et al;
Kat gave our
her website
and her
Facebook profile
information, and we were wrapped out.
Henry conveyed our next week's guest being
Leslie Rule,
author of
Where Angel's Tread,
amongst other titles...