Friday June 08, 2012
I arrived at Universal at 8:20am for my 9am calltime, meeting up with fellow actor
Gabriel Alvarez
who was there shortly before me.
I did not have to deal with security concerned with my taking the non-pedestrian path onto the backlot parking, as someone else was using the pedestrian exit at which to re-enter, and I just walked through the door with him when security opened it.
After a while the rest showed up; writer/director
the faculty advisor amusingly also named Ryan,
the crew, and the other principals, including
Jason Davis,
Stuart Thompson,
the aforementioned
Iowan transplant
Alaina Markova
up from Long Beach,
Richie Cantor
Angel Thompkins.
We met at Universal Studios, and we were shuttled to the Rehearsal Hall building, which had been holding for the Bud Lite commercials for which I worked which somehow I never wrote up a report for that multiple-day shoot.
The crew rearranged the room to become the AA-esque meeting room, and our seats were arranged in a circle, which, depending on the shot, sometimes was an oval.
Stuart played Bill
(that is, he's the one who announces his name); each of the rest of us was a number
(I was PC3).
As Stuart starts, Gabriel
sits next to him.
I sat between
(PC2, who was next),
then Richie
and Angel
and finally
Jason Davis
(between Angel and Stuart),
as the Hero of the spot: presumably the facilitor of the group.
Each of us has an AA-esque line, and the static shots go around the circle until it reaches and reveals Jason.
We ran to about 5:30pm, though the majority of us actually could have been released a bit earlier as only Angel, Jason and Stuart were in the final shot.
Her being Not Released may have cost Alaina an audition in Hollywood that was around the same time.
As she is new to the area, I offered to guide her there, what with my need to return to Hollywood myself, and hopefully she made it and they were still able to see her.
It was a pleasant day which subjectively went faster than one would think, considering the hours.
Alaina and Rahvaunia and I discussed the paranormal; I told them about my
radio show
(The Paranormal View),
as well relating a couple of my
personal experiences.