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Geoffrey Gould
Radio guest appearance:
Stirring the Cauldron
Marla Brooks's weekly Online Radio Show

Thursday December 22, 2011
Return to the cauldron
My friend and ghost-book author Marla Brooks invited me as a return guest on her Stirring the Cauldron online radio show's holiday edition, for December 22nd. This would be my eighth guest appearance on the famous para-x Thursday evening program.
Reverend Tim Shaw (who also hosts the Black Cat Lounge show on para-x), and Marla called me in almost moments before the hour, with music blasting away, making it tricky to hear them. Tim spoke about a Ufologist guest of his who'd not only been Born Again, but went the whole Anne Rice lost-mind route, and that now anything UFO related the guy believes to be demonic in nature. Sad really...
We went live at six past the hour.
The show went quite well, as Marla and I discussed various pagan, wiccan and witch'y Yule traditions, as well as the dark legend of the vicious Icelandic Yule Cat which we'd discussed the previous Yule show; the free-verse translation of Vignir Jónsson's of which Marla requested I read aloud. As I could not monitor the chat room during my reading, hopefully it went over well.

Iceland Yule Cat

You all know the Yule Cat
And that Cat was huge indeed.
People didn't know where he came from
Or where he went.
He opened his glaring eyes wide,
The two of them glowing bright.
It took a really brave man
To look straight into them.
His whiskers, sharp as bristles,
His back arched up high.
And the claws of his hairy paws
Were a terrible sight.
He gave a wave of his strong tail,
He jumped and he clawed and he hissed.
Sometimes up in the valley,
Sometimes down by the shore.

He roamed at large, hungry and evil
In the freezing Yule snow.
In every home
People shuddered at his name.
If one heard a pitiful "meow"
Something evil would happen soon.
Everybody knew he hunted men
But didn't care for mice.
He picked on the very poor
That no new garments got
For Yule - who toiled
And lived in dire need.
From them he took in one fell swoop
Their whole Yule dinner
Always eating it himself
If he possibly could.

Hence it was that the women
At their spinning wheels sat
Spinning a colorful thread
For a frock or a little sock.
Because you mustn't let the Cat
Get hold of the little children.
They had to get something new to wear
From the grownups each year.
And when the lights came on, on Yule Eve
And the Cat peered in,
The little children stood rosy and proud
All dressed up in their new clothes.
Some had gotten an apron
And some had gotten shoes
Or something that was needed
- That was all it took.

For all who got something new to wear
Stayed out of that pussy-cat's grasp
He then gave an awful hiss
But went on his way.
Whether he still exists I do not know.
But his visit would be in vain
If next time everybody
Got something new to wear.
Now you might be thinking of helping
Where help is needed most.
Perhaps you'll find some children
That have nothing at all.
Perhaps searching for those
That live in a lightless world
Will give you a happy day
And a Merry, Merry Yule.

Marla had also sent along a request previous to the show: So... here's another easy task for you. I'm going to be talking about the difference between wassail and wassailing, and with wassailing usually comes an incantation, so since you are the actor, I'm going to ask you to recite it. This is one I found that dates back a very long time, which is probably why it sounds a bit strange to modern ears... but I'm sure you'll give it your all, lol."
Here is what she provided which I recited:

"Here's to thee, old apple tree,
That blooms well, bears well.
Hats full, caps full, Three bushel bags full,
An' all under one tree. Hurrah! Hurrah

Though not having it instaneously handy, I kind of messed it up a bit, accidentally omitting the Hurrah/s...
We barely touched on one upcoming event to which we both looked forward (along with numerous regular friends in the chat room): BBC America airing this year's Doctor Who Christmas Day episode (The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe), airing on the 25th, the same day as in England; normally such a new episode wouldn't be available in America for a week or three, but I was able to get in a few solid Doctor Who references...
As always the hour raced by; Marla had me give out my information and that of The Paranormal View, when, noting we had about five minutes left to the hour, I realized we'd not spoken of Krampus, a Christmas-time entity about which I'd only just learned: Krampus, about whom Marla had never previously heard either.
After the show, Marla and Tim and I "re-did" the last bit about Krampus and such.
In a day or two the show was uploaded as the podcast to become available to which to listen and/or download...
Tim had indeed seamlessly edited the ending to elimate the gaffed ending, and I felt it was a shame I'd neglected to Skype-record the call which would have been able to provide the "alternate ending," as it were...

Stirring the Cauldron show page
More recent Stirring the Cauldron podcast page
Previously primary Stirring the Cauldron podcast page
Stirring the Cauldron with Marla Brooks
Stirring the Cauldron with Marla Brooks
22 December 2010 edition promo
Marla Brooks Yule CD
Marla Brooks Yule CD

Ghosts of Hollywood:
The Show Still Goes on

Author: Marla Brooks

Ghosts of Hollywood II:
Talking to Spirits

Author: Marla Brooks

Ghosts of Hollywood III
Author: Marla Brooks

Workplace Spells:
Everyday Magick
on the Job

Author: Marla Brooks

Animal Spells
and Magick

Author: Marla Brooks
during the show:

Rare Exports:
A Christmas Tale

(Blu-Ray + DVD)
Para-X Radio: all paranormal, all the time
Para-X Radio: all paranormal, all the time

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