Saturday December 03, 2011
Elizabeth Eagan-Cox
Our guest was
Elizabeth Eagan-Cox,
and I was able to attend, my area having been
hard hit by Santa Ana Winds
and our area losing power for over 67 hours.
It came back on in pockets, finally reaching us by about 4pm local time.
I hopped onto Skype in time to get on.
Once on the air, Henry spoke of the upcoming Christmas Eve show we plan/ned to do live.
He replayed the
Marla Brooks
Reverend Tim Shaw's
Thanksgiving audio segment that played at chipmunk-level high-pitch speed the week before.
"I think that was better at chipmunk-speed..."
I couldn't help saying when it was over.
Craig introduced our guest, who started out thanking us, and that she writes a Cozy series of novels: the
Shannon Delaney series.
Before we'd gone on the air, Elizabeth pointed out she's out here in California, albeit near Big Sur;
she has relations in my area, and even spoke of the extensive Altadena
near me which I've visited.
She also pointed out her fourth fiction book
A Ghost at Stallion's Gate,
being mostly set in Pasadena during Prohibition.
She spoke of her book
Ghost Hunters Research Guide to Free Internet Sources:
how to research land patents, geneologies, etc.
On one of the chapters regarding peoples' background/s
(e.g., pirates also called privateers),
included was the term "witches" which she means those people murdered via the Salem Trials;
Elizabeth pointed out some ancient gravestones that include the symbol of a tree references to the Woodsman Society.
She also discussed various aspects of dreaming.
During the show a few times, a mysterious sound of a lighter seemed to be heard by Henry, Craig and myself, and audible in the chat room.
We checked, and it was none of the four of us...
Henry remembered to mention tonight our listeners being from the US, the UK, Canada and Other.
After the passionate author provided her
I couldn't help but ask after
Henry closed out by pointing out the next week's guest being Ufologist
Preston Dennett....