Saturday July 23, 2011
We have seen our guests and they are... us.
Our guests scheduled for tonight were a bit... well...
Concerned we could end up with a major klunker edition, Henry and I decided to cut them loose.
Without any back up guest/s, we half-jokingly decided for the evening's edition Just To Be Us, the show's own hosts, "simply" chatting about our own experiences and investigations and such.
I also suggested we ask that any questions for any of us be sent to Not The Host Being Asked, to wit:
any questions to Henry be Private Messaged to Craig or me, to Craig Private Messages to Henry or me, and any questions for me go to Henry and Craig.
This way, no one can "avoid" a questions.
Henry started out that it would be a "great" show... I pointed out "great" is a relative term...
Craig answered my own first, about his doing War Between the States recreation, what with the photo below.
He'd only dont it once, at Beford Village, with Doug and Pat of GhostSoldiers, who had a spare outfit for him.
Henry asked of Craig what took place that got him Into the paranormal.
Craig's folks had owned a tavern that had a lot of Activity going on: footsteps, feeling of being watched; one Sunday he was home alone with no one upstairs on the second floor
(he was on the third floor).
He heard footsteps going up the steps, the hallway, then run up the steps, come down to his door... he through open the door expected to scare his sister to find No On There.
There a storeroom by their rooms, that really creeped out Craig to pass or enter.
Henry directed to me about my first experience/s
BED story.
Craig asked Henry for his first experience, which he did with
Reverend Tim Shaw,
and had a good ghost hunt with flickering lights, etc.
From there he managed to search for paranormal and found Live Chat and found para-x.
BATHROOM BREAK: re-listen to podcast.
Craig would be doing a live investigation with the
Red Mill
is August 13th.
Craig answered a question about the distinctions between investigations and
John Sabol's
Craig took us out to break.
Meanwhile I managed to find the raw audio file of my
Queen Mary EVP
and quickly emailed it to Henry.
After the break Henry did his usual invitation to those Listening Elsewhere to come to the
live chat room.
Craig put forth Patty Lyman should get back doing her Spotlight Reports.
BobN asked via Craig what was Henry and my scariest experience, to which I said the bed ghost.
Henry had had creepy notions with his grandfather's house, due to ghost stories he'd heard about it.
He did related how once at Waverly he'd heard the crunch of following footsteps, but on turning around there'd be No One there.
Bob Nicols
had told Henry about a paper mill about which he knows with numerous Shadow People.
I asked Craig for BobN in the chat room as to when is a good time for Henry and he to come to Gettysburg to investigate?
After a long pause, Craig began to answer that September might be the best month.
It seemed Skype was messing with Craig; he couldn't always hear us.
I pointed out that a college friend of mine,
Mary Garripoli,
could be visiting the chat room at one point, having just come across each other after I spotted her on the recent episode of
(I don't think she made it...).
Mind Abilties
asked what is our favourite place to investigate.
Craig said Gettysburg; Henry said he'd not had any experiences
himself, and disappointed as Waverly now charges about $120 for all-night investigation.
Henry had acquired some EVPs at
Morrison Lodge;
he'd see if he could play them later if he can find them.
Henry brought up the EVPs to which he had access, the first being my
Queen Mary EVP.
It came in kind o'soft, and each playback it got softer...
When I
played back the show
once it was uploaded online, I found all three of Henry's playback of the EVP was so soft one could barely hear the living woman's voice on the recording.
Bob Nicol
asked how I got started acting
(during which I was told my Skype was breaking up big time)...
Henry then played one of Craig's EVPs: Antietam gun shots, acquired during one of the John Sabol excavations, which I heard on its second playback.
From a private home investigation, Henry played an EVP of Three Knocks he'd acquired in the kids' room, leaving the recording with themselves having gone to the basement.
Skype cut me off as I went to outro to break, then they were able to hear me again.
After I took us into break, wondering if Skype would allow our answers to questions to be heard, Henry played my
Dalek outro
audio file experiment I'd previously emailed him.
[In the chat room people were Chatting Amongst Themselves...]
Henry reported we had listeners tonight from the US, UK, Canada and Ireland.
asked me
if and when if I become a Working Actor, would I continue hosting The Paranormal View?
I said yes, as long as I had access to Skype, obviously.
I pointed out most motion pictures and TV shoots are done Monday through Friday; ironically doing the occasional student film most likely can have me miss a show as they often do shoot on the weekend/s.
Is there a time of the year in which there more activity.
I figured possibly around end of October/start of November when the Veil is thinnest.
We three concurred spooky stuff can happen during the day as well as during the night.
Henry played an EVP from Craig of a door unlatching and opening itself right in front of Craig.
Henry then played one of his EVPs, of hard-floor footsteps
(on a carpeted floor),
and the word "Hey," apparently, then one at "the old farmhouse," of a child, pretty much talking over the investigators, then a gruff man EVP, and a daytime one in the kitchen.
From the chat room Pat from Ghostsoldiers
(who'd apparently "hijacked" the chat room as they were discussing the
Jersey Devil),
asked after an EVP from Kentucky.
Henry played a EVPs he got from the
Masonic Lodge.
Henry said Waverly was scariest; the neatest being
Fort Mifflin
at which he got a few good EVPs.
Craig went with Gettysburg, plus the abandoned
Pennsylvania Turnpike tunnels
in Breezewood
as scariest.
Chicken Zombie Tom asked what sort of recorder do we each use?
Henry uses a
Sony PX-720
which he said picks up really good.
I indicated my Walmart acquired
digital voice recorder.
The last question was from Bob, asking if I prefer the west or east coast to live.
Before I gave out my URLs and such, Henry listed upcoming show guests and show events:
August 6th
Live show from the
Crump Theatre
August 13th
Live from the
Red Mill,
most likely on
para-x vision.
August 20th
Canadian Cabinet Minister of Defense,
the Hon.
Paul Hellyer,
P.C., B.A., F.R.S.A.,
UFO and peace
advocate and
Light at the End of the Tunnel:
A Survival Plan for the Human Species.
September 3rd
Barbara Sillery,
author of
The Haunting of Mississippi
The Haunting of Louisiana.
September 10th
Annie Wilder,
author of
House of Spirits and Whispers:
The True Story of a Haunted House
Spirits Out of Time:
True Family Ghost Stories and Weird Paranormal Experiences.
September 23-25
Live from
Lexington, Kentucky.
October 1st
Karen Laven,
author of
Cincinnati Ghosts:
And Other Tri-State Haunts.
October 8th
Author, lecturer and storyteller
Thomas Freese
author of
Shaker Ghost Stories from Pleasant Hill, Kentucky,
Fog Swirler:
And 11 Other Ghost Stories,
Strange and Wonderful Things:
A Collection of Ghost Stories with Special Appearances by Witches and Other Bizarre Creatures
Ghost, Spirits & Angels:
True Tales From Kentucky & Beyond.
but date TBA
Lisa Westmoreland-Doherty,
author of
Kentucky Spirits Undistilled:
Stories of the Bluegrass State's Famous Haunted Locations.
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Henry offered if anyone wants to be a guest to contact us via
email and at
I pointed out we'd not gotten to any Do's and Don'ts during investigation, but I was able to point out
(as a Don't):
"No fireworks," which got a good laugh.
We jokingly each thanked each other as being such Great Guests, and we thanked our loyal audience
(while in the chat room I noticed
(Pat McCormack),
had typed "boo jeff"...).
In the chat room he clarified he'd jokingly meant as I'd advocated No Fireworks...