Thursday, September 13, 2007
A Cannon Carol
I got paged that I was booked for today on an episode of Las Vegas.
I was to play a social worker at a homeless shelter.
Heading to Culver Studios, I had 7:30am calltime, and what with the filming of Hancock messing up Hollywood Boulevard for its multiple-day shoot (not one on which was I booked), I left extra early and arrived at Culver Studios at 6:30am.
We were notified in advance it would be a walk-away lunch.
We were not informed we would also not be provided breakfast.
Those of we four playing Social Workers were given red December-holiday hats, strongly inferring this was the Holiday Episode.
Considering I wore my green polo shirt, it contributed to the holiday-spirit look.
To our slight surprise, we were all shuttled to the location at Washington and Fay.
There we were scooted away from the food table by craft services, who were still setting up.
Soon we were able to eat from its limited selection in lieu of a proper breakfast.
Once settled in, we were informed this was episode 512, later my finding it to be entitled A Cannon Carol.
(Remember that I do not believe in providing storyline spoilers myself [such generally being readily available Elsewhere notwithstanding], only indications of where I might be visible.)
Of the main cast on hand was Vanessa Marcil, who plays Samantha ("Sam").
To my greater surprise was to learn the episode's director being actor Peter Weller! Understandably, he was quite vested in the episode, given concise direction to his two principals, and working closely with the efficient technicians.
After filming the interior scene coverage, the exterior was filmed.
Originally I was to be sweeping, but in the interior scenes I am now making a few crosses from the front to the side, then back; later simply across.
When we filmed the exterior, of Sam arriving in her blue convertible, being met by the shelter manager and their going inside, I am out on the sidewalk sweeping.
Probably considering we were finished with our scene, there was no lunch break (for us): we were wrapped at 2:20pm, giving us two meal penalties, and while no overtime, gave us th'rest of the day to ourselves.