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Geoffrey Gould
Reports from the set/s...

Big Stan

Tuesday 23 May 2006
Shoot; Day One
On the Rob Schneider comedy Big Stan (which he also directed), I play a member of a jury. At the time not yet listed in the case was recognizable Richard Riehle as the judge; also veteran actress Sally Kirkland playing the jury foreperson.
Rob and (I'd presume) the DP kept informing me as to when I was in frame (I was next to Sally Kirkland). Apparently Rob wanted some very much Over The Top reactions rather than realistic, so I went into Children's Theatre mode. Later in the day Rob Schneider passed me and, pointing, said matter-of-factly, "Y'r doin' a good job."
The previous August at the SAG Labour Day Picnic, I'd met actor Lance Holt; it's easy enough (for me) to start a conversation with someone wearing a Celtic-Knot Cthulhu t-shirt.
It turned out (along with his fiance) Lance got booked on the same gig. His fiance was a spectator, he played the court clerk.
The jury stuff was filmed in the morning and then another shot or two after lunch. Sally Kirkland was very friendly with those of us close to her in the jury, and with me right next to her, she had no problem indicating in earlier times she did some rather Steamy Stuff, including but not limited to a very hot sex/love scene with Kevin Costner.
She and I got to react to Rob Schneider's lines (and I was already instructed for More), she and I played our silent reactions as very animated with each other.
After sitting around in holding for a few hours, the jurors were wrapped "rather suddenly" wrapped at 4:30, giving us a bit of OT, but I'd made the error of not earlier asking Sally if she'd be open to a photo being taken of us. Oh well.
Lance later related to me the rest were all wrapped three hours later. Then he told me there was considerable talk of More Filming on Saturday. I'd heard nothing about it, and I suspected it would more of the courtroom spectators. I was convinced that we the jury were done.
There are two courtroom scenes, only one in which out jury is present.
Considering the film starts with Stan as a con man, I wondered if it was a coincidence (and my Evil MSTie Mind), that had me notice that Big Stan acronyms to BS...? (It's not a spoiler if it's the film's premise, strongly revealed in the film's trailer.)

Saturday, 27 May 2006
Recalld for a Day Two
I was indeed recalled for a second day, as a passer-by within the courthouse and without. Using the interior and exterior of the Los Angeles courthouse downtown, essentially I was sent hither thither and yon, as Rob and his entourage arrive at the courthouse.

Thursday, 20 September 2007
Preview screening
I attended a very-early preview screening for Big Stan. Now I expected the film to be amusing to quite funny. Gratefully, Big Stan is very very funny. My concern was that, with its then-scheduled American April 2008 release, and this being one o'those What Did You Think Of It? focus-group kind of deals, my worry was that this film, which worked so perfectly that I wasn't able to predict how the antagonist could be brought down, as well as one thing I would have suspected/predicted didn't happen, which gladdened me as it would have been horrifically trite and cliche had they gone with it.
As predicted, I am Quite Visible next to Sally Kirkland in the jury box. If this film remains unchanged, it will be well worth being seen, for those who like comedy, action, and Rob Schneider in probably one of his best roles ever, considering how well he underplays: he actually is acting [g], and believably so (even when there is broad comedy going on). I'm not saying he's "caught acting;" his character of Stan is believable, layered, and redeemably likeable.

Saturday, 26 April 2008
[American] release date arriving... and going
According to its IMDB entry, Big Stan was to be released Friday, April 25th. I had begun to suspect that that information was incorrect, considering my having seen no evidence to the effect (such as print ads, billboards, TV spots and/or any other such promotional material that would normally be everywhere for an upcoming Rob Schneider film).
At least I was able to see the film the previous September as a preview screening, and found it one of the best films Rob Schneider has so far done, particularly as it's his directorial debut. In the Big Stan trailer, if one pauses it at :26 seconds, the instant Sally Kirkland as the jury foreman says the word "Guilty," you can see me sitting there next to her (obviously in the film I have more screen time; even a few instants before the verdict, you can see me beyond Rob Schnieder as he blows a kiss to his girlfriend).

Friday January 01, 2009
Direct to DVD
According to Video ETA, Big Stan will be released on DVD the 24th of March 2009.

Big Stan (2008)

Tuesday March 17, 2009
Rob Schneider promotional interview
I enjoy various aspects of the computer information (or "infotainment") site G4's Attack of the Show (though really, mostly anything in which Olivia Munn participates). I came across an in-studio interview with Rob Schneider promoting the following Tuesday's release of Big Stan, and puzzlingly, considering it turns out Olivia had a cameo in the film (or at least an uncredited role), I have to wonder why she was not the interviewer...?

G4 interview with Rob Schneider

Tuesday March 25, 2009
Generally in the first few days of a DVD title release, Target discounts its purchase price. Normally I would have acquired either or both via Amazon, but the few-day discounts were lower than the regular Amazon price at the moment. This time it turned out Best Buy's opening-day/s discount prices were slightly lower not only for Big Stan but for Bolt as well, so I got both at Best Buy (Bolt was substantially lower: $20 for the two-disc set, as opposed to Target's $23). Best Buy makes its money by price-gouging after the premier-sale discount price. At Best Buy, DVD prices are invariably higher than Target (TV season DVD box-sets are usually ten dollars higher [or even much higher than that] at Best Buy).
After acquiring my frame-grabs with which to update this page, I zoomed through the Making Of featurette, and the outtakes (neither of which contained any coverage of the jury other than one brief blur of Sally Kirkland), so as of this entry I had not yet gone through Rob Schneider's audio commentary, which I still need to do, and to watch the featurette and outtakes (at regular speed).

Geoffrey Gould, second in jury in ''Big Stan'' Geoffrey Gould in ''Big Stan'' Geoffrey Gould, second in jury box in ''Big Stan'' Geoffrey Gould next to Sally Kirkland in ''Big Stan''
Geoffrey Gould next to Sally Kirkland in ''Big Stan'' Geoffrey Gould next to Sally Kirkland in ''Big Stan'' Geoffrey Gould next to Sally Kirkland in ''Big Stan'' ''Big Stan''

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